Best Black Friday Tips

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Black Friday is just three weeks away and if you haven’t already started to prepare your business for holiday sales then now is the time. We have four quick and easy tips to make your Black Friday sale a success.

Offer a discount

This may seem like an obvious one but it’s important to remember that not all discounts attract customers. We recommend that your discount be at least 20% off because anything less than that typically does not motivate people to complete their purchase. Consider if you want the discount to be in the form of a code or if it will be a site-wide promotion. If you choose a code, make it something short, catchy, and easy to remember.

Decide on the timeframe

While Black Friday is the original, it’s important to remember that it’s followed by Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. Be sure to decide when and how you want your sale to run. Do you want to have a different promo code and discount for each day? Would you rather have a four day sale period with the same promo code and discount or a sitewide promotion? Having a clear idea and plan for this will, in turn, help your customers have a better purchasing experience.

Spread the word

Black Friday sale previews are becoming more and more popular each year. As more people shop online, businesses are trying to edge out competitors by allowing customers to know which sales will run and when. After you have your holiday sale plan in place, the next step is to highlight the promotion(s) by running social media and/or Google ads, posting about it on your social media pages, and including it in your email marketing during this month. You want both your current and future customers to know what is coming.

Participate in Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday was started in 2011 as a way to have an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the holiday season. It is directly after Cyber Monday, which is the last day of the Black Friday weekend sales. By participating in Giving Tuesday you will be able to help your customers and clients get to know more about your business, its mission, and what it supports. Consider sharing about this in your social media posts, email marketing, or your website’s blog. After a weekend focused on shopping and spending, Giving Tuesday allows you and your business to give back, share the spirit of giving with your customers, and allows everyone to learn more about your business’ values.

Black Friday sales don’t have to be complicated. If you take the time to prepare now then you will be confident going into, and during, the sale weekend. If you need help with ads, email marketing, social media management we invite you to read more about the services we offer.

Blossom Marketing is based out of Washington D.C
Blossom specializes in social media services, email marketing, SEO, social media ads, Google ads management, and much more. Please reach out to us at for more information.
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